Our friend, Laurie, arrived from Utah for the weekend. She judged at Canine Affair Center's C-WAGS obedience and rally trial. Yesterday was obedience and today, rally. Chaplin spent both days at the trials and was really amazingly good! He met everyone there and different people held him, took him out and spent time with him! He slept or just sat watching everything around him!
Laurel did very well in Level 3 Obedience. Unfortunately, I screwed up the signal exercise both times and we NQ'd. Hardy NQ'd his first try in Level 2. He sat up at the very end of the last exercise but came back for a solid Q and 1st place his second try. Both Labs did very well in rally with many Qs and nice placements!
Taking all three Labs to Canine Affair for the trial, along with the X-Pen, bed, Brent's chair and table, 3 crates and my power chair made me think about what we're going to do when we have 3 big crates and our stuff to stay overnight. Will we need to take both my van and Brent's Jeep or should we get a carrier for the top of the van? Something to think about over the next couple months!
Chaplin tends to shriek while we're getting everyone's food ready. Since they eat 5 times a day, that can be pretty annoying. We've implemented the "if you're shrieking, no food gets made" policy which means you can't be in a hurry. It's just like working on no pulling - you can't be in a hurry to get somewhere because letting the puppy/dog pull every once in a while negates all the work you did not letting the puppy or dog pull across the parking lot, in your driveway or on a walk. Taking the time to wait out the shrieking is making mealtime much more complicated! The good part of this is that like other Labs I know, this is one incredibly food motivated young man!
I told people all weekend that Chaplin was a "scary good" puppy! I need to remember that when he turns into an adolescent! Until then, I'm just planning to do plenty of socialization, work on basic behaviors and enjoy puppy breath!
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