Thursday, June 6, 2013

Final Preparations for a New Puppy?!

Well, we're back home from Canada and trying to balance being ready in case a puppy comes home next week with not getting our hopes up that the CARAT test will reveal that the right puppy is in this litter! However, if I'm honest I have to admit that after visiting the puppies since they were 5 weeks old, I will be very disappointed if we don't find my puppy Monday! However, Donna has another very promising litter due to be born around June 15th so we'd have another chance at a puppy in the middle of August. I'm trying to remind myself of that so that I maintain some level of objectivity this coming week with the testing. 

We've been getting UPS deliveries every day this week - another puppy-sized crate for the van, an X-pen for our bedroom, some food toys, stuffy toys for snuggling with and puppy toys for teething! Then, of course, since I feel guilty about buying things for some unknown puppy, I've also gotten some new toys for Laurel and Hardy! I also have a shopping list of some items to get this weekend: string cheese, a molded plastic wading pool, drop cloths for under the X-Pens etc. The only things we won't try to purchase in advance is food, a name tag, collar and her/his first "puppy in training" vest. Because we got Hardy about 10 days earlier than we expected to (since we had gone to temperament test two - 6 1/2 week old litters but ended up finding an 8 week old puppy instead), we weren't prepared for him and I remember that as not being much fun! 

Yesterday, Hardy and I went to Chardon High School to see the teachers on their last day before summer vacation. Then we went to Donna's to see the puppies one last time before the CARAT test on Monday! It was apparently puppy nap time because all of them were asleep - the only one who was awake and active was the biggest boy. Getting to spend more time with him makes me realize that we have to have a boy's name ready! I did get to hold each puppy and look forward to finding out which, if any of them, turns out to be mine!
Nap time for growing puppies - only the biggest boy is awake!

The biggest boy having a drink

Saturday, Hardy and I are going to Working Dog Weekend at Lake Farm Park to represent Canine Affair Center at their table for awhile and to participate in Reading to Rover. Unfortunately, we haven't found any regular opportunities to participate in reading programs because that seems to be Hardy's favorite therapy dog activity! Working Dog Weekend is a fun event that includes all types of dog activities - dock diving, herding, agility, water rescue, carting, fly ball, freestyle. Lake Farm Park is part of the MetroPark system - it's a working farm and there will be food and some shopping opportunities available as well as lots of dogs and dog organizations to visit. 
On Sunday, we'll be picking up Nancy Reyes, the certified CARAT evaluator at the airport and then doing the interview portion of the test. A 9 year old boy and his mother will be heading our way from Kentucky and Nancy is also evaluating a puppy for them. We'll all have dinner and the evening to get to know each other and Monday morning, we'll head to Donna's for the testing. Nancy suggested that we add a field trip for any of the puppies that seem like they might work out for either of us to our itinerary so I think we might be going to Tractor Supply in Chardon! 

Until then, I'll just be anxiously waiting to see whether I start the important work of puppy raising on Monday or have to endure at least one more wait for a litter of puppies to be born!

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