Monday, June 24, 2013

Busy Day for Chaplin at Animal Hospital, Car Dealership, and the Airport

Chaplin had a  busy and long day today! He went down to Metropolitan Animal Hospital early this morning as we dropped Hardy off for his neuter surgery/hip & elbow x-rays. Chaplin went in and visited with the staff already there at 7:00 am. 

From there, Chaplin, Brent and I headed to Mike Pruitt Honda for a service appointment. My wheelchair-modified 2007 Odyssey is close to 100,000 miles when our extended warranty runs out. We wanted to have the various systems checked before that happened so we set up an oil/filter change and inspection. Chaplin visited with many adults and children, walked next to my chair, went out a couple times and mostly sat in my lap. He was very well behaved and after that bit of excitement, fell asleep sitting with me. 

We went home for a couple hours. Since Hardy was still at Metro and we'd left Laurel at home, she was happy to see Chaplin return. They played for awhile and developed a new game: drag the puppy across the family room with a toy! 
Laurel & Chaplin nose to nose

Chaplin watching birds and squirrels

Chaplin on the sofa

Laurel saying, "No really, I think you should jump!"

Laurel wondering if Chaplin's going home anytime soon!
We headed back to pick up Hardy at about 2:00. Chaplin got to visit with many different people while we were waiting for the vet techs to bring Hardy out. Then while Brent took our groggy brown boy out to go potty; Dr. Hitchcock, Hardy's cardiologist, came out to meet Chaplin. After meeting Hardy last summer, she asked for his breeder's information. When she found out we were looking at a litter this spring, she called Donna to arrange to get a girl puppy. In fact, she took the littlest one, an adorable little girl. 

From Metro, we headed to Akron-Canton Airport to pick up our son, Devin. From there, we headed home where Chaplin and Devin got acquainted! One thing I noticed today is that Chaplin is getting faster and has developed a taste for deer poop!

1 comment:

  1. Chaplin sounds like a great pup! Fun to read about his story. I just found the new blog. He is one lucky dog!
