Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chaplin's First Agility Trial

This weekend, Chaplin was very busy! Thursday, we just continued our training sessions at home. He's having some loose stools (pudding poop) so I'm going to use fewer treats and we're going to slow down switching his food from the Purina brand he came home on to the Fromm Large Breed Puppy food we'll be using. He continues to prove to be a very quick, motivated puppy, especially when food's involved! 

Friday, we went to Costco and then to the North Olmsted SoccerPlex to set up for the USDAA Agility trial Laurel and I were entered in over the weekend. While I was taking Chaplin in my lap across the parking lot to go potty, a bunch of Border Collies yelled at him from the back of a car! He really didn't like that and his response reminded me that he could be in a fear period right now. He did fine on the grass going potty and I took the long way around to avoid those dogs on the way back. While Brent set up our stuff, I took Chaplin around to visit. He was held by about 15 different people; everyone was very careful with him and other dogs. At another agility trial, I had seen a Westie lunge across an aisle to go after a Golden puppy and I wasn't about to let that happen to Chaplin. 

Yesterday (Saturday), Laurel and I headed to the agility trial while Hardy and Chaplin stayed home with Dad. Brent took Chaplin to his first puppy class at Canine Affair Center. I heard that he did very well playing with the other puppies even though he is the youngest and one of the smallest. There was a pushy Boxer puppy that was given a time out but when he came back out to play, Hardy was right there begging him for a romp. Apparently, one of the puppies lost a baby tooth chewing on Chaplin so he came home bloodied (but it wasn't his blood)! After class, he ran errands with Brent - they went to Costco again, to a watch repair store, and the local dry cleaner. He was made over and held by several different people - he visited people of different races and saw some children. 

Today, we all went to the agility trial together. Chaplin spent some time shrieking in his crate so we played the cover it when yelling and uncover when quiet. Generally, though, he was very good and while we were watching dogs run, I kept telling him that it was his job to fall in love with agility! I didn't let anyone put him on the ground but lots of people held him and carried him around! Chaplin practiced pottying in different places and on command ("Find a Spot"). He came home very tired - one of the good things about taking him out to do things during the day! He is doing great at night - he either sleeps through the night or gets up once around 4:00 to go potty. He's still sleeping in his crate up on a table next to me in bed. He's got some stuffed animals in his crate with him and I'll probably start thinking about putting his crate on the ground in line with the big Labs' crates. For now though, I enjoy waking up and looking at my little guy sleeping peacefully in his crate!

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